4. Use of the assessment findings

Once the assessment has been approved, its findings can guide and support specific actions towards the consideration of the full value of nature in policies, plans, on-the-ground activities and beyond.
The assessment findings can be used in many ways across various levels and sectors.
Using assessments at the national level may include:
- Supporting on-going national and sub-national planning processes
- Preparing communications and outreach materials for different audiences
- Guiding priorities in research agendas towards filling knowledge gaps identified by the assessment
Using assessments at the international level may include:
- Strengthening national participation in IPBES processes
- Sharing assessment-related knowledge at international venues
- Engaging with and supporting implementation of multilateral environmental agreements at the national level
Action plan
The action plan is a document that aims to support and promote the use of assessment findings in decision-making within a specific time-frame. It outlines policy entry points and strategic opportunities to enhance consideration of the full value of nature, and draws from the key messages of the assessment.
Communication strategy
Once the assessment has been approved, the communications strategy document needs to be revised to support the work of the action plan. This will help identify key audiences and appropriate/effective ways to communicate and disseminate the assessment findings.