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Webinar: National Ecosystem Assessments to Support Implementation of Convention on Biological Diversity
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Date: 23 November 2021
Key presentations:
- 00:05:11 – Opening remarks
- 00:10:30 – Introduction to the National Ecosystem Assessment Initiative
- 00:22:14 – Guidance: Supporting implementation of the Convention
- 01:01:51 – Questions & answers
The Sub-Global Assessment Network in collaboration with the NEA Initiative at UNEP-WCMC hosted an open webinar to officially launch the guidance ‘National Ecosystem Assessments to support implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity’. This guidance was developed in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and with the generous support of the Japan Biodiversity Fund. It presents the various ways in which national ecosystem assessments can support national implementation of the Convention.
Webinar objectives:
- Provide participants with a brief overview of national ecosystem assessments and how the IPBES methodology can be tailored to national ecosystem assessments.
- Demonstrate how national ecosystem assessments can help countries to overcome challenges in key aspects of the implementation of the CBD.
- Nadine Saad – Programme Management Officer, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
- Shaenandhoa Garcia Rangel – Senior Programme Officer, UNEP-WCMC
- Claire Brown – Principal Technical Specialist, UNEP-WCMC

This webinar was delivered through the Sub-Global Assessment Network (SGAN). Click on the button below to join the network: